Ultimaps Beta Release

We are thrilled to announce the beta launch of Ultimaps, a tool designed to revolutionize the way you visualize data. After a significant journey of development and refinement, we're finally ready to share our creation with you.

Ultimaps allows you to transform your Excel or Google Spreadsheet data into visually compelling, interactive maps. With just a few clicks, you can create engaging visual stories for your users, without any need for GIS or data science expertise. Our platform offers a wide range of customization options, backed by an AI assistant that helps you turn your unique data sets into captivating narratives.

At this stage, our beta version offers a limited set of available maps. However, we're committed to expanding this offering. Our team is working hard to increase the number and variety of maps available, ensuring that Ultimaps continues to evolve and improve.

Throughout the beta stage, Ultimaps will be completely free to use. Post-launch, we'll be offering a free version of the platform, alongside some advanced, paid features for users with specific use-cases.

Our mission is to democratize data visualization and charting, making these powerful tools accessible to a wider audience. We believe in the power of visual storytelling and are dedicated to making the process of creating these stories as easy as possible. With Ultimaps, anyone can create stunning, informative maps, regardless of their technical background or expertise.

We're just getting started, and we have a lot of exciting updates in the pipeline. Our backlog is bursting with innovative features and enhancements designed to make Ultimaps even more user-friendly and versatile. We can't wait to share these updates with you, so stay tuned!

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey - you can try Ultimaps without signing up. If you don't have any data on hand, we provide test datasets so you can try out the app. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or feedback - for this purpose you'll have a "Help" button in the bottom-right corner of the app.

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Published Oct 5, 2023